Technical specification of air compressors and their purpose in the modern days

In a general everyday usage, an air compressor is a device which squeezes a lot of air and changes it into kinetic energy. This gadget is undoubtedly one of the most crucial power sources and a very compelling investment. This device compresses the gas by using power from machines generally like power engine, gasoline engine, electric motor, etc. Its main function is to decrease the volume of gas and increase the density without changing its form. Apart from decreasing its volume it also increases the temperature of the gas which is moreover used for various business purposes.


• RECIPROCAL COMPRESSOR: These look similar to a car engine and they use a piston which is located inside the cylinder and does the work of compression and displacement within the element. It consists of inlet valves and outlet/discharge valves, which control the pressure and release the pressure if needed. There are single stage compressors, and some compressors are built with 1000 horse power capacity for practical purposes.

• ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSOR: They work on positive displacement technique of compression. Two rotors are situated inside the casing which performs the compression of air internally. They are basically oil cooled and do not require any valves to control pressure because of their structure and functioning. Static weight is the only requirement of a rotary screw compressor, and they are claimed to be more flexible and requires less maintenance. They are available in wide ranges of shape, sizes, pressure requirements, configurations and capacity.

• CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR: They are dynamic in functioning and uses a rotor to drive out gas to the impeller. They drive the gas out first and afterwards using the spinning rotor gas is subsequently stored into higher pressure. The spinning rotor is used in this machine because spinning action generally reduces the air volume and hence increases the density. The running gear which is used is separated by air through shafts and is water cooled and packed. The negative displacement technique of compression is followed in Centrifugal compressors.


Major functions performed by the air compressors are:

• Air cylinders are filled with the help of compressors, which are then used by scuba divers for underwater diving.
• Commercial compressors are used in many home appliances, which are crucial for our smooth working like Refrigerators, Air conditioners and vacuum cleaner all of them use this device to compress air.
• They are used in devices like sand blasters and nail guns, which are used to fix planks and other home purposes.
• Air compressors are also used in large-scale power plants where they function to control the heating and cooling of the advanced and bulky machinery used in these big working plants.
• They are excessively used to control pneumatic pressure in a major office building and schools to control and regulate HVAC system valves
• They provide moderate pressure to power pneumatic instruments and also used in cement plants and other industrial purposes.

These devices are distinguished depending upon their working and needs like for more commercial purpose double stage compressors are preferred and operational requisites divide them into rotary and reciprocating. Similarly, there is water cooled and air cooled compressors for different occasions. Pressure capacity and design are also indispensable factors to understand the functioning of this device.