Choosing Between Single Stage and Two-Stage Air Compressors

Industrial air compressors are utilized to power the largest machines through compressed air. From indoor industrial factory work to outdoor construction, industrial air compressors are one of the most necessary components of a worksite. There are two categories of air compressors; single stage and two-stage. Which type of air compressor you need depends on several factors.

    The amount of pressure you wish to get out of your machine is the biggest difference. Applications that require 125 PSI or below can usually be handled by single stage air compressors. Those that require more than 125 PSI need two-stage air compressors.
    CFM, or cubic feet per minute, is the amount of space the air compressor takes. Larger CFM equals more compressed air and pressure, allowing for multiple appliances to be connected to the compressor.
    Single stage air compressors are better suited for smaller jobs or where the amount of connected tools will be low. For much larger places and tools, two-stage air compressors work best.

It is important to take these factors into consideration when it comes to purchasing an industrial sized air compressor. Determine which one works best for your business is crucial, so be sure to check out an established, reputable air compressor dealer for more information on single and two-stage air compressors.

How to Maintain Your Air Compressor

When it comes to maintaining your air compressor, there needs to be a checklist that includes a weekly maintenance schedule. Keeping an air compressor well maintained is vital for having a unit run at optimal performance and can keep your equipment lasting for years. Here are some things to keep in mind for maintaining your air compressor:

    Inspect the belt tension and coupling monthly
    Inspect the safety guards, hoses, valves and connections for any leaking
    Check the air distribution system for any leaks
    Wipe down the compressor and coolers
    Blow out any dust or debris build up within the unit
    Change the lubricant if applicable
    Be sure to replace the air intake filters on a weekly basis

Every maintenance department should have a designed preventive maintenance schedule when it comes to a facility’s industrial air compressors. It’s important to have the air compressor receive daily, weekly and monthly maintenance to ensure the unit will run on optimal efficiency. Be sure to have the maintenance manager or foreman devise a checklist.

How to Safely Drain Your Industrial Air Compressor Tank

When it comes to maintaining an industrial air compressor, one of the core steps to ensure optimal performance is to have the unit safely drained regularly. Industrial air compressor systems are very similar to well pressure systems found in some homes, with both consisting of a pressure reservoir, a device to move the intended product and a tank to provide storage.
Industrial compressed air units build up water in the rank as a result of condensing humid air. If not drained properly, water can get into the air lines, causing a malfunction of pneumatic equipment. Here are some facts about safely draining an industrial air compressor tank:

    The drain valve allows the tank’s contents to escape under pressure
    Be sure the valve has enough line to safely direct moisture and air to an area it can be safely eliminated
    If the system has shut down, the first step to any start-up process is to drain the tank
    Some systems use an air dryer to reduce moisture while others have an automatic blow-down system that periodically opens the drain valve

Regardless of what type of system or unit you are using, it is very important to keep the industrial air compressor unit’s tank drained in order to not only ensure the unit works at maximum efficiency, but also to reduce the costs of potential replacement and/or maintenance fees.

Types of Reciprocating Air Compressors

Although it is very important, compressed air is not often recognized as it should be. Air compressors serve many functions and power many different kinds of tools. Reciprocating air compressors are just one type of air compressor. Reciprocating air compressors vary in size and have a horsepower that ranges from 1 to 50 HP. These air compressors work by pressurizing air and reducing its volume, known as positive displacement. Positive displacement occurs by the compressor sucking in successive volumes of air through unidirectional valves and having the air confined within a chamber. When it comes to reciprocating air compressors, there are a number of types available for purchase. Here are the types of reciprocating air compressors:

    Single stage reciprocating air compressor
    Two stage reciprocating compresses air in two stages
    Portable compressors are convenient but rarely have an HP over 3
    Stationary air compressors are self-explanatory
    Most air compressors use splash lubrication, where a dipper splashes oil through the internal parts of the pump
    Pressure lubricated pumps are best for heavy duty cycles and high temperature conditions
    Oil-less compressors should be used in situations where clean air is an absolute imperative
    The drive system may be powered by electricity or gas

With the many different types of reciprocating air compressors available, it is best to do your research and find what type of air compressor best suits your needs.

The Cost of Air Compressor Leaks and How to Detect Them

The average leak rate of compressed air systems is estimated to be 25 percent by the U.S. Department of Energy.  This means countless dollars lost by businesses using these systems and also lowered productivity and equipment life.

How do Leaks Waste Money?

    Wasted Electricity
    Reduced Productivity
    Increased Service Costs

What are Some Areas Where Leaks can be Found?

A leak can be found in several places on an air compressor.  A large number of fittings and hoses can oftentimes mean more leaks.  Leaks may be the result of wear and tear on the equipment or from poor installation.  Some areas where leaks are commonly found are:

    Condensate Traps
    Shut-off valves

How can a Leak be Detected?

The first step to reducing or eliminating leaks is to find problem areas.  You can check for leaks using a couple different methods.

    Listen and Feel – this works for larger leaks because you would have to get close enough to feel them.  This method is not practical to use to detect most leaks.
    Soapy Water – soapy water is placed on the areas where a leak is suspected and if one is present bubbles will form which will confirm the suspicion.  This method two has its drawbacks as it requires a close proximity to the equipment and does not tell how severe a leak is.
    Ultrasonic – this is the most reliable form of leak detection and can work for even the smallest leaks.  This method requires special equipment and knowledge of how to use it.

After determining where the leaks are it is crucial to develop a plan to fix them.  While it costs money to fix these leaks, doing so will be more cost-effective in the long run as those leaks will no longer be plaguing your air compressor.  It is also important to develop a plan for how to detect any future leaks early on and repair them in a timely manner.

How to Fix an Air Compressor That Doesn't Build Pressure

A compressor that will not build lasting pressure is useless. Without the ability to control the flow and pressure of air, it cannot drive tools or run machines. There are two possible causes for a compressor that runs, but does not build up pressure. The limiter switch may need to be adjusted, or there is an air leak that needs to be fixed. If you find that your tank itself is damaged, consult professional help to prevent harmful tank explosions.


    Disengage all tools and hoses. Turn the compressor on and spray a solution of soap and water over the connections between the air compressor and its fittings. Look for bubbles to appear in the solution, indicating an air leak. Turn the compressor off and pull the release valve, a plastic and metal valve with a pull ring in it, to release the pressure from the tank.
    Remove any fittings that had bubbles around them. Turn the fitting counterclockwise with a wrench to remove it. Wrap Teflon around the threads of the fittings and re-thread them, tightening the fittings with the wrench by turning them clockwise.
    Test the compressor to see if the pressure is sufficient. If not, remove the cover from the pressure-limiting switch and turn the upper limiting screw clockwise to tighten, raising the upper pressure limit, so that the tank can fill more fully. Use a screwdriver to turn the screw.
    Bleed the water from the tank by turning the compressor on and allowing it to fill as much as possible. Locate the bleeder valve on the underside of the tank. Grip it with locking pliers and turn it counterclockwise to release the valve, allowing the condensation to be blown out with the air from the tank. Once the condensation stops dripping, turn the valve clockwise to close it. Charge and retest the compressor.

Guide to Using a High Pressure Compressor

Air compressors are machines that have the ability to create and use compressed air.  This air can be used for a variety of different purposes; ranging from powering tools to inflating tires.  Manufacturers and large industrial plants rely on a high pressure compressor or compressors for powering their large projects and productions.

One thing that is a necessity when using these machines is to pick the right one for the right project.  Using a too powerful air compressor for a light job may cause problems as many tools cannot handle the power of a very high powered machine.  Check the user manual for your tools, before purchasing what you need.  Let’s look a little more into the uses for this type of compressor.  high powered compressor

Below are some of the common uses of a high pressure compressor:

  *  Fill gas cylinders by adding high-pressure clean air    Produce large amounts of moderate-pressure air for large industrial projects
  *  Operate rail vehicle and/or road vehicle brakes
  *  Store air for later use in submarines
  *  Increase the mass flow of air inside the cylinder in order to increase internal combustion engine performance
  *  Fill up large tires and power tools at service stations and auto repair shops
  *   In the production and manufacturing process of PET plastic bottles, containers, and other various products

Step by step guide on how to use the compressor:

Step 1: Determine the intended use for your machine- You should determine the intended use for your project before you search for and purchase an air compressor.  Knowing the purpose of your air compressor can help you choose the perfect product for your individual situation.  The size of your project will determine the size of tank that you need.

Step 2: Make sure that your compressor is lubricated- Before you start your project, it is important to ensure that your compressor is lubricated with oil.

Step 3: Follow all of the necessary safety precautions- Some of the safety precautions that you should follow include wearing safety goggles/protective eyewear and disconnecting the air supply when you are not using the tool.  You should never point the tool towards your own or anyone else’s body.  After you have followed all of the necessary safety precautions, you are ready to start and use the machine.  You should carefully follow the manufacturer’s manual and always use regulated, compressed air.

Step 4: Adjust the settings on your machine- The next step is to adjust the settings to high-pressure.  Turn the air compressor on and use the machine.  Make sure that you are paying attention and remain alert while the machine is in the on position.  Being alert and paying attention can prevent you from making any mistakes.

Step 5: Add an attachment to make the most out of your high pressure compressor- There are plenty of attachments that are available for your air compressor.  Some of the most popular attachments include nail-guns, air staplers, air sanders, spray guns, sand blasters, air drills, and caulking guns.

Step 6: Make sure that your air compressor is properly shut off- Finally, you need to ensure that your motor and air compressor is properly shut off.  After you shut the motor off, you should completely unplug any cords and make sure the regulative valve is turned off.

High pressure air compressors are used for construction and commercial purposes.  When used with additional attachments, high pressure air compressors can be used to effectively fill gas cylinders, produce large amounts of air-pressure for large industrial projects, operate road vehicle brakes, and inflate large tires/amount of tires at service stations and repair shops.  If you need an air compressor for at-home projects, you can probably find a more affordable option.  Don’t forget to carefully read the instructions on the user’s manual before you operate the machine.

DIY Tricks to Fix Your Air Compressor

When it comes to an air compressor, most individuals know that they can be expensive.  That is why it is always a good idea to know about air compressor repair.  It is the most effective way to keep your compressor working properly so that you do not have to purchase a new one.

Pressure Not Building

If your air compressor is not building pressure there are a few things that you can do to try to fix this.  You must start by unplugging the hose and the tools.  Turn the compressor on and let it start charging.  Next, spray some soapy water on the fittings around the compressor and see if any bubbles appear.  This is an indicator that there is a leak.  Use plumbers tape in order to fix any leaks.  You may want to have some Mr. Gasket 2842G Teflon Tape available for this job.  It will only cost you approximately $3.00 to have this on hand and it can be a very easy fix.

Dark Smoke

There could be times when your air compressor may have some dark smoke coming out of it.  Yes, this can be very frightening but it does not mean you have to get rid of your compressor.  Turn off your compressor immediately and let it cool.  Check to see if the oil is dirty.  It may need to be changed.  Next, determine if any of the gaskets are leaking.  If they are then you need to replace them.  Gasket kits such as the OEM Graphite Gasket Kit #D30139 or the OEM Valve Plate with Lower Gasket #N017592SV can be purchased for approximately $10.

Will Not Start

Some people will find that their air compressor will not start.  This can be stressful, depending on what you paid for the compressor.  However, the problem could be something as simple as the pressure switch.  Start by looking at your owners manual to find out where the switch is at and determine if it is in the on position.  If it is, and the compressor is still not starting, you may need to replace it.  A new pressure switch can often be purchased for roughly $13.  That is what the Amico NC 4 Ports Air Compressor Pressure Switch Control Valve 175 PSI will cost.

 What you need to remember is that there are often a number of reasons why your air compressor will not work the way that it should.  Always start with the easiest solutions first.  This means that you will want to make sure you did not blow a fuse, or that the extension cord you are using is the proper type.  These are all easy fixes.  Next, check the oil level to ensure that it is correct.  Many compressors will not work if there is not enough oil in them.  Take the time to learn about air compressor repair to ensure that you keep yours running correctly.  It is better to perform regular maintenance than to purchase a new one.

Technical specification of air compressors and their purpose in the modern days

In a general everyday usage, an air compressor is a device which squeezes a lot of air and changes it into kinetic energy. This gadget is undoubtedly one of the most crucial power sources and a very compelling investment. This device compresses the gas by using power from machines generally like power engine, gasoline engine, electric motor, etc. Its main function is to decrease the volume of gas and increase the density without changing its form. Apart from decreasing its volume it also increases the temperature of the gas which is moreover used for various business purposes.


• RECIPROCAL COMPRESSOR: These look similar to a car engine and they use a piston which is located inside the cylinder and does the work of compression and displacement within the element. It consists of inlet valves and outlet/discharge valves, which control the pressure and release the pressure if needed. There are single stage compressors, and some compressors are built with 1000 horse power capacity for practical purposes.

• ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSOR: They work on positive displacement technique of compression. Two rotors are situated inside the casing which performs the compression of air internally. They are basically oil cooled and do not require any valves to control pressure because of their structure and functioning. Static weight is the only requirement of a rotary screw compressor, and they are claimed to be more flexible and requires less maintenance. They are available in wide ranges of shape, sizes, pressure requirements, configurations and capacity.

• CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR: They are dynamic in functioning and uses a rotor to drive out gas to the impeller. They drive the gas out first and afterwards using the spinning rotor gas is subsequently stored into higher pressure. The spinning rotor is used in this machine because spinning action generally reduces the air volume and hence increases the density. The running gear which is used is separated by air through shafts and is water cooled and packed. The negative displacement technique of compression is followed in Centrifugal compressors.


Major functions performed by the air compressors are:

• Air cylinders are filled with the help of compressors, which are then used by scuba divers for underwater diving.
• Commercial compressors are used in many home appliances, which are crucial for our smooth working like Refrigerators, Air conditioners and vacuum cleaner all of them use this device to compress air.
• They are used in devices like sand blasters and nail guns, which are used to fix planks and other home purposes.
• Air compressors are also used in large-scale power plants where they function to control the heating and cooling of the advanced and bulky machinery used in these big working plants.
• They are excessively used to control pneumatic pressure in a major office building and schools to control and regulate HVAC system valves
• They provide moderate pressure to power pneumatic instruments and also used in cement plants and other industrial purposes.

These devices are distinguished depending upon their working and needs like for more commercial purpose double stage compressors are preferred and operational requisites divide them into rotary and reciprocating. Similarly, there is water cooled and air cooled compressors for different occasions. Pressure capacity and design are also indispensable factors to understand the functioning of this device.

Atlas Copco compressors detailed review

Compressors are mainly used in industrial applications where the volumes of gases have to be reduced for easier transportation. Compressors increase the pressure of gases and at the same time reduces their volume. Though most liquids are incompressible, others can be compressed and easily transported. Atlas Copco specializes in manufacture of compressors. From this firm, you will get compressors of different makes and models. Each model has its own functions.

Atlas copco rotary screw compressor

This type of compressor that is used to separate gas and oil. Both its exterior and exterior casing is made of a high-density glass fiber and it has a flanged joint. It has a high dust holding capacity, its initial pressure drop is low and most importantly it has a high infiltration capacity. In addition, it is can easily be replaced or installed and it is not susceptible to corrosion. It has an enhanced performance and it is available in different filtrations.

Atlas copco rotary screw air compressor

This model is mainly used in factories to compress air. It is very efficient in separating gas and oil. Its filtration system is also top notch. When in use it produces low noise and it uses less power. Faults that can occur from this compressor are also easily detected. This is because it is equipped with a fault alarm indication system. It is flexible, highly reliable, efficient and safe to use. A computer also manages its control system. Therefore, it can automatically start and stop.

Atlas Copco Bolaite Screw Air Compressor 200KW

This compressor model has double screws, it is simple to operate and it can function properly in different mode conditions. It has an automatic control and an alarm system that detects any slight hitch within the system. This compressor is highly effective and its engine has a high work rate. In addition, the compressor has an electric, motor, cooling, oil duct and air course systems. These entire systems operate at different temperature conditions.

25-70 cfm motor powered atlas copco screw air compressor A motor powers this type of compressor and it has air and pressure delivery systems. Its motor power ranges from 37 to 250 kW, as its working pressure ranges from 0.7 mpa to 2 mpa. In addition, it as a capacity range of 4.8 to 35 meters cube per minute. This model is highly reliable and can operate in different temperature conditions. The model has top class heavy duty air inlet filters and drive systems. It also consumes less power therefore maximizes energy savings. The motor drive system is computer controlled making the compressor so efficient. Installing this type of compressor is also easy.

Atlas Copco Screw Air Compressor Supplier This compressor produces low oil free noise while operating, it has high pressure and it is portable. It is mostly used to separate gas and oil and with its filtration systems, the resultant oil is gas free. Its maintenance cost is low, a factor that is contributed to by its external oil filtration systems. Under harsh temperature conditions, this compressor is very reliable. It has high oil filtration precision making its oil systems very clean.