Choosing Between Single Stage and Two-Stage Air Compressors

Industrial air compressors are utilized to power the largest machines through compressed air. From indoor industrial factory work to outdoor construction, industrial air compressors are one of the most necessary components of a worksite. There are two categories of air compressors; single stage and two-stage. Which type of air compressor you need depends on several factors.

    The amount of pressure you wish to get out of your machine is the biggest difference. Applications that require 125 PSI or below can usually be handled by single stage air compressors. Those that require more than 125 PSI need two-stage air compressors.
    CFM, or cubic feet per minute, is the amount of space the air compressor takes. Larger CFM equals more compressed air and pressure, allowing for multiple appliances to be connected to the compressor.
    Single stage air compressors are better suited for smaller jobs or where the amount of connected tools will be low. For much larger places and tools, two-stage air compressors work best.

It is important to take these factors into consideration when it comes to purchasing an industrial sized air compressor. Determine which one works best for your business is crucial, so be sure to check out an established, reputable air compressor dealer for more information on single and two-stage air compressors.